Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spring Cleaning Starts Now

Seems like I may have to start back on chemotherapy in the near future, the very near future, so I've decided to pull together three awesome resources I have and do my Spring Cleaning now. This will be an adventure to see if I can 1) stick with it as I am a notorious procrastinator and get bored quickly and 2) if I can apply the house-cleaning principles I'm about to use to my finances so everything is in order in case someone else needs to pay a few bills.

I'll give you a quick overview of my plan, then I'm going to update my Control Journal and write out - on paper - this plan!

I've been a fluttering follower of FlyLady since the summer of 2000. I love her principles and no-nonsense approach to keeping the home under control. I recently won a blog contest at Organize With Sandy Reviews for an e-course in home organizing from Take Charge Solutions...guess what? Very similar to FlyLady! The e-course recommends a Control Journal, 15-minute sessions, one area at a time. Woohoo these two things definitely belong together. Finally, today as I was Twitter-clicking I ran across a wonderful blog called SimpleMom and downloaded (for just $7) an e-book called Spring Cleaning For Normal People. Guess what? Very similar to FlyLady again! Each one of these methodologies has a little different perspective and a little different approach, but all three incorporate the same basic premise - declutter, stay on top of the piles, don't bring anything in without already having a place for it, once you decide something has to go - get rid of it immediately.

So even though it's only February, my Spring is shaping up to be a little busy and challenging, so I'm off to find my duster and get started NOW! I'll keep you posted, might even add a few before and after pics for your entertainment :)

Love and Blessings

1 comment:

Carolee Hollenback said...

Sandie- I'm soooo sorry you have to go back on chemo! I had a tumor and had to have my kidney & spleen removed. I was lucky in that I didn't need chemo. Of course, these things can always come back...I just take one day at a time!